Book is finally printed and IN HAND!!
A lot of super-exciting things have happened on the book front. For those of you who need a quick refresher, my new book – a collection of anecdotes called BELTIN: STEJJER MINN NIES MINSIJA – is being released at this year’s Malta Book Festival.
The book is published by Merlin Publishers, co-financed by the National Book Council, and boasts illustrations by the superb Moira Scicluna Zahra.
So last Sunday it was featured on the arts section of the Sunday Times of Malta. Proud moment, yup. After being the culture editor of the newspaper for so long, it was super strange to be on it from the other side of the coin, so to speak!
BELTIN: Stejjer Minn Nies Minsija liftoff
Oh yeah, and here’s a pic of me doing actual, honest-to-goodness book signings. Like a real writer or something. Excuse me while I swoon.
Oh yes, and there is also this ‘bloggata‘ that will reveal a bit more about what the book is all about.
Get yourself down to the Book Festival between November 6 and 10 and get it from the Merlin Stand. The book will also be on sale at all bookstores, and online.
UPDATE: The book has done very well in the past months and I’m super encouraged and happy with every single message I receive. For those of you asking, yes there will be another book. BUT – it has nothing to do with BELTIN: Stejjer Minn Nies Minsija. Get ready to be spooked because I’m working on a collection of weird, creepy stories!
Keen on more books published in Malta? Check out the dystopian Magna Mater, Kristina Chetcuti’s take on Malta’s most amazing women, or the latest Lupu Lupettu for kids. You will also find more write-ups featuring books in the books category here.
For food, music or theatre, check out my main page here.
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I am the author of this book, so needless to say this is not an unbiased feature. There are no affiliate links contained within this page.To learn more about my policies and my reviewing process, visit my Affiliate/Advertising disclosure page.