ramonadepares.com V1.2 has landed – Malta’s Culture Portal, covering all lifestyle events, restaurants and anything related to the arts scene.
What’s in it for you? The tagline gives the game away. Expect news bytes about all the awesome, quirky things happening in Malta, in personal journal format.
Do you have an event or a new brand tht you’d like to get covered? Ramonadepares.com is all about the music, art, theatre, launches, events and anything I encounter that piques my interest. If you’d like a chance to be featured, get in touch through here or on [email protected].
Ramonadepares.com V1.2
I’ve decided to come back to this platform in an effort not to let life get in the way of a spot of fun writing and creativity. With a day job that revolves around professional writing, it is too easy to lose track of the fun element. This blog is a reminder to myself that writing is, above all, a fun outlet for creativity.
So, what kind of content will I agree to feature here? Mostly anything related to the arts and entertainment scene in Malta, such as this interview with playwright Alfred Buttigieg, or with opera master Mariella Devia.
Books, such as this series that will definitely get the kiddos reading, or this dystopian novel by Loranne Vella, will certainly be present, as will some indie music like this piece about Genn the band. There will also be the occasional opinion pieces about what’s happening in our country and, because I’m still a foodie at heart, ramonadepares.com is also all about the restaurant reviews like this one, about AKI Restaurant in Valletta, or the oh-so-avantgarde Bahia in Lija.
Want to partner up? I’m super happy to work with like-minded businesses, so drop me a line.
Work with me
Need a piece of writing with a specific tone of voice for your company or brand? Let’s talk. I have over 20 years of experience in marketing and specialise in SEO optimised digital marketing and I’ll be happy to put that to good use.
I also run sponsored content for a variety of businesses on this website – if your brand matches the ramondepares.com image, voice and ethos, I will be happy to consider interview/feature/review requests. Please not that no payment is accepted for reviews. You will find all about my reviewing process and an affiliate/advertising disclosure on the relevant pages. You can also get in touch via the contact page.